
I am honored to write a testimonial for DealerLicense.net!
Tim helped me get into the used car business back in the 1990’s and was a huge part of my success in the used car business.
Even though I am not in the business any more I fondly remember the trips to the local dealer only auto auctions like Adesa in Framingham Mass and the Lynnway Auto Auction.
If you want to get into the used car sales business, this is the best company to do it with and Tim Putnam is the best person to teach you.
Congrats on your new site Tim!!!

I’ve been with All Ventures through all their growth and expansion. I came on first as a Co-op Dealer member and moved up to being a manager for them within two years. Great people to deal with. Always professional and always ahead of the curve. Looking forward to the future with the new DealerLicense.net website. Thanks a million for letting me be one of your managers!

Rob and Patti joined our company back in 2004 as Co-op Members and quickly learned the used car business.
Rob, a successful real estate appraiser and Patti, a veteran in the banking industry, came across our used car dealer license business opportunity and saw the potential to build a business that would produce high income with little effort.
They eventually inquired about becoming partners and opening their own Co-op Dealership and in late 2007 started their own Co-op used car dealership in Ohio.
Rob and Patti have quickly built that Co-op used car dealer license into one of our most successful Co-op Dealerships and still run it today!

Being a seasoned entrepreneur and professional investor, the moment I heard about the Co-op Dealer License Business Opportunity I was instantly intrigued!
After some due diligence and quick negotiations I was the first “outside” investor to buy one of an already established Co-op Used Car Dealership.
Unlike all of the other managers who are usually members first, I was a total outsider to All Ventures, Inc. and its corporate culture.
Well I’m happy to report that I’ve been with All Ventures since 2005 and it’s been a great experience..!
I’m totally excited about the new website DealerLicense.net and can’t wait to see what the future holds for this great opportunity.

Todd J. has been with us since 1999 and is one of our most successful Co-op used car dealers!
Currently located in South Carolina, Todd has opened and managed dozens of used car dealerships for All Ventures…literally coast to coast. The first used car dealership Todd opened and managed for us was located in Oregon and he managed it for about 3 years.
Todd then went on to open dozens of used car dealer licenses in Texas and other states for our company. Todd was there during All Ventures’ restructuring and was one of the first ever Co-op Dealer license managers.
Todd currently owns and operates a highly successful Co-op Dealership located in South Carolina and Not only does he manage 12 to 15 dealers members but he also buys and sells forty to sixty cars per month…all by himself!!!
Todd is the perfect example of the success that anyone can have with our Co-op Dealer License business opportunity. Todd literally was living out of his car and had less than $500 cash when he started with our company.
Today Todd earns a six figure income and threatens retirement everyday..!!

Marsha is our “Girl” in California!
A seasoned veteran who has been with All Ventures since 2004, Marsha continues to set the bar higher and higher every year.
A single parent, Marsha joined our company with dreams of owning her own business and controlling her own destiny.
While working full time for Restoration Hardware, Marsha started a Co-op used car dealer license in California and proceeded to build her Co-op used car dealer license business opportunity in order to escape the corporate nightmare.
January 6th, 2008 was Marsha’s last day with Restoration Hardware and her first day going full-time with the Co-op Dealership business opportunity as a Partner/Manager of her own Co-op used car dealer license.
The only thing better than telling corporate America “good-bye” was telling her son “hello” more often..!
For anyone who thinks this company does not work or is a scam, just spend a few minutes on the phone with Marsha, she will straighten you out in no time!